A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux

This Work is for a Bachelor Thesis in Game Design, and may only be used non-commercially

This work is a trained pix2pixHD Model, with the purpose of coloring and shading creature sketches (1024x1024) to be used as concept art. 

The training was done on a Dataset consisting of approximately 200 different "World of Warcraft" creatures for 500 Epoches.

To function properly it requires input which is or resembles a canny map. Blurry lines will hinder the generators ability to make usable output.


latest_net_G.pth 695 MB

Install instructions

  1. Downlaod and install Anaconda @ https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual
  2. Download pix2pixHD @ https://github.com/NVIDIA/pix2pixHD
  3. Install pix2pixHD by following the installation instructions give on the site
  4. (On windows replace the train.py with the one from https://programmer.help/blogs/pix2pixhd-train-your-own-dataset-win10.html)
  5. Add a Folder in the ../pix2pixHD-master\checkpoints for the project
  6. Add "latest_net_G.pth" to the checkpoints/"project-folder"
  7. Add a Folder in the ../pix2pixHD-master\datasets for the project
  8.  Add a folder called "test_A" to the dataset/"project-folder"
  9. Add 1024x1024 pixel sketches to the "test_A" folder
  10. Open the pix2pixHD Folder in Anaconda ("cd ../pix2pixHD-master")
  11. Replace the "project-folder" with the name of the project-folder and execute the command:

python test.py --name "project-folder" --ngf 64 --label_nc 0 --no_instance --how_many 464

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